Serial Communication in Advanced Ladder

See also: Serial Port Communication

See also: Project Toolbox for Advanced Ladder


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Serial Operations Topics:


Serials Operations provide a way to communicate via program logic. Several different protocols and methods are contained within and are grouped together by the type of communication they are for. For ASCIIClosed ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII-coded characters are single-byte values in the range of 0 (zero) to 127. Codes in the range 128 to 255 are not defined by the ASCII standard, but rather by the equipment manufacturer. serial communications use, such as with bar code readers, weight scales, etc., please refer to Using Serial Ports [LINK: Using Serial Ports (new Help section, content already exists in old help file)] for an understanding of how incoming data is processed.

Note: The CsCANClosed Horner APG's proprietary network protocol that runs on the Bosch CAN network specifications. Prior to the advent of the OCS. and CANopenClosed A CAN-based communication system. It comprises higher-layer protocols and profile specifications. CANopen has been developed as a standardized embedded network with highly flexible configuration capabilities. portions of the Comm Operations may or may not be enabled depending on hardware configuration. The example Comm Operations toolbar pictured uses an OCS product with dual CAN ports; one configured for CsCAN and the other for CANopen.


Open Communications Overview


The Open Communications Port function provides a way to open any of the available serial ports that are not otherwise in use by the

The modes/protocols available are

Serial Ports opened with this function will remain open until the Close Communications Port function [Close Communications Port] is used or the OCS controller is put into STOP mode. Any Open function that is used when the selected port has already been opened by another Open Port function will change the parameters accordingly.


Note on OCS as a serial Modbus Master: Even though it is still possible to build highly customized serial Modbus Master communications using logic, Modbus Master functionality has been largely supplanted by the much easier-to-use . For any single port, the Open function and the Protocol Configuration cannot be used at the same time.

Note on OCS as a serial Modbus Slave: Using this function, along with the Modbus Slave function, is the only way to enable serial Modbus Slave communications.

Note on MJ1 programming port: The MJ1 port is the default Cscape programming port for nearly every OCS, though USB and Ethernet programming are also automatically available on most OCS products. Using the Open function on MJ1 will open it for the specified parameters and close it to Cscape programming use. Closing the MJ1 port with the Close Communication Port in Advanced Ladder function will disable whatever Open parameters were last used and will re-open the port to Cscape programming. If it is absolutely required to use MJ1 for communications and an RS-232 programming port is also required for Cscape access, it is possible to reassign the programming port to another port in the System Menu of the OCS controller. See System Settings in


Settings from Registers: It is possible to “hard code” the settings by leaving this box unchecked and using the dropdown selections for each parameter. Alternately, the settings may be obtained dynamically from an array/registers by checking this box. Specifying “Settings From Registers” and an array element/register will use the values in 8 consecutive elements/registers for these settings. See remaining parameters for values to use when this box is checked.

Port: The serial port to open with this function. Options will vary per OCS model and may include MJ1, MJ2, MJ3, and COM. Older OCS models may include PORT 1, PORT2, and CN1. For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 0 = MJ1

  • 1 = MJ2 (or CN1 for NX)

  • 2 = CN1 (for QX only)

  • 3 = MJ3

Baud Rate: Select the baud rate to match the device being communicated with. For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 0 = 300 baud

  • 1 = 600 baud

  • 2 = 1200 baud

  • 3 = 2400 baud

  • 4 = 4800 baud

  • 5 = 9600 baud

  • 6 = 19200 baud

  • 7 = 38400 baud

  • 8 = 57600 baud

  • 9 = 115200 baud

  • 10 = 14400 baud

  • 11 = 28800 baud

  • 12 = 10400 baud

Parity: Select the parity to match the device being communicated with (None, Odd, Even) . For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = Odd

  • 2 = Even

Data Bits: Select the data bits to match the device being communicated with (7, 8) . For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 2 = 7 Data Bits

  • 3 = 8 Data Bits

Stop Bits: Select the stop bits to match the device being communicated with (1, 2) . For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 0 = 1 Stop Bits

  • 1 = 2 Stop Bits

HandshakeClosed Handshaking is an automated process that sets parameters for communication between two different devices before normal communication begins. Much like the way a human handshake sets the stage for the communication to follow, the computing handshake provides both devices with the basic rules for the way data is to be shared between them. These rules can include transfer rate, coding alphabet, parity, and interrupt procedure.: Options will vary with OCS used. For RS-232 comms, this should match wiring and the device being communicated with (None, Xon/Xoff, Hardware). For the RS-485Closed An EIA standard that specifies electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers for use in serial communications. Electrical signaling is balanced and multipoint systems are supported. standard, “Multidrop Full” should be used for RS-485 4-wire connections and “Multidrop Half” MUST be used for 2-wire connections, in conjunction with proper DIP switch settings on some models. For “Settings From Registers”:

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = Xon/Xoff

  • 2 = Hardware

  • 3 = Multidrop Full

  • 4 = Multidrop Half

  • 5 = Radio Modem

Protocol: The desired protocol for which to open the port

  • 1 = CsCAN

  • 2 = Generic ASCII

  • 3 = Modbus RTU

  • 4 = Modbus ASCII

  • 5 = Modbus TCP (Only for XL series with HE-XEC option board)

Mode: The standard to use with this function, restricted to RS-232 and RS-485 unless an option card is installed.

  • 0 = RS232

  • 1 = RS485

  • 2 = Modem

  • 3 = Ethernet

  • 4 = Fiber A

  • 5 = Fiber B

  • 6 = GSM Dual

  • 7 = GSM Quad

  • 8 = Radio 900MHz

  • 9 = Radio Zigbee


Power Flow

The Open Communications Port function executes immediately and entirely as soon as it receives power from the incoming rung. The port may be immediately used for configured communications assuming success.

The Open Communications Port function will execute on every scan that it has received power from the incoming rung.

The Open Communications Port function will pass power flow to the next function on the rung unless a port that does not exist is specified (possible with dynamic settings).

There is no need for any further functions to exist to the right of the Open Communications Port function on the rung. The function’s result is considered an output.


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ASCII Character Codes

The following are 8-bit ASCIIClosed ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII-coded characters are single-byte values in the range of 0 (zero) to 127. Codes in the range 128 to 255 are not defined by the ASCII standard, but rather by the equipment manufacturer. characters and their character codes.

Char Dec HexClosed A base-16 numbering system which uses the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F for numeral.
NULLClosed Null Termination - To place a NULL character (character code 0) at the end of ASCII data. Some functions require NULL Termination to be able to determine the end point of the ASCII data since that data may vary in length from one time to the next. 0 00
SOH 1 01
STX 2 02
ETX 3 03
EOT 4 04
ENQ 5 05
ACK 6 06
BELL 7 07
BS 8 08
HT 9 09
LF 10 0A
VT 11 0B
FF 12 0C
CR 13 0D
SOH 14 0E
SI 15 0F
DLE 16 10
DC1 17 11
DC2 18 12
DC3 19 13
DC4 20 14
NAK 21 15
SYN 22 16
ETB 23 17
CAN 24 18
EM 25 19
SUE 26 1A
ES1 27 1B
FS2 28 1C
GS 29 1D
RS 30 1E
US 31 1F
(SPC) 32 20
! 33 21
" 34 22
# 35 23
$ 36 24
% 37 25
& 38 26
' 39 27
( 40 28
) 41 29
* 42 2A
+ 43 2B
, 44 2C
- 45 2D
. 46 2E
/ 47 2F
0 48 30
1 49 31
2 50 32
3 51 33
4 52 34
5 53 35
6 54 36
7 55 37
8 56 38
9 57 39
: 58 3A
: 59 3B
< 60 3C
= 61 3D
> 62 3E
? 63 3F
@ 64 40
A 65 41
B 66 42
C 67 43
D 68 44
E 69 45
F 70 46
G 71 47
H 72 48
I 73 49
J 74 4A
K 75 4B
L 76 4C
M 77 4D
N 78 4E
O 79 4F
P 80 50
Q 81 51
R 82 52
S 83 53
T 84 54
U 85 55
V 86 56
W 87 57
X 88 58
Y 89 59
Z 90 5A
[ 91 5B
\ 92 5C
] 93 5D
^ 94 5E
_ 95 5F
` 96 60
a 97 61
b 98 62
c 99 63
d 100 64
e 101 65
f 102 66
g 103 67
h 104 68
i 105 69
j 106 6A
k 107 6B
l 108 6C
m 109 6D
n 110 6E
o 111 6F
p 112 70
q 113 71
r 114 72
s 115 73
t 116 74
u 117 75
v 118 76
w 119 77
x 120 78
y 121 79
z 122 7A
{ 123 7B
| 124 7C
} 125 7D
~ 126 7E
DEL 127 7F

Manufactured Specified..........................128-255..............80-FF


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